A Week of Changes

If you change nothing, nothing will change at all…

I thought I knew this, I thought that when I started this journey in January that if I made the needed changes to me, well I would see results.  I just needed to stick with those changes, to the program, to my nutrition, to my fitness and this would take me where I needed to be.

A normal staple in my household

But change is not that simple, change needs to be never ending.    I really began to understand that, this week.  Like I said in January I figured out that I needed to change my relationship with food.  Yes my relationship with food was like that of a relationship with a guy who you know is bad for you but you just don’t know how to make the change.

The same thing with fitness, I know that I need to change my fitness routine, oh who am I kidding, I need to actually start one because I want to change my life.  But how do you start something when you have no clue, but you do research and you learn.

So I made those changes, I broke up with my unhealthy lifestyle, it was a bad breakup, but guess what I started seeing results.  I started adding fitness in, I actually joined a gym and I went, what a concept.  I stated treating myself better, no self deprecation which honestly was a hard thing to change.  I was so used to making jokes about myself for so long I did not know how to stop.

So for the next 9 months I found what worked and I did not change what I was doing, I ate the same things, I did the same workouts and I kept things as close to what was working as I possible could.  But guess what, your body will figure this out and will start slowing down.

Actually using my treadmill

Up until the beginning of August I only had two gains in my weight totaling 1 pound.  But then mid August after a week of not being able to work out I gained 4.2 pounds.  Now in the reality this was not bad and most people during their journey gain much more.  But to me this was the beginning of the end, the weight was coming back.  Obviously this was irrational thinking but that fat girl inside of me can be pretty convincing.

So the next week I was gradually getting workouts back in but was sticking to the same fitness I had been doing, not realizing that my body was screaming for change.  And I had a loss, 0.8 pounds not the 4 pounds I had gained, but at least it was a loss.

How was I going to do this, I started looking at the last few weeks of fitness, which I could do as I had joined an Accountability Group on Facebook where I had tracked my workouts since the beginning of August.  So what was I going to do.. CHANGE IT UP!

One of the changes I made may seem odd but it really helped me with trying new things.  Previously I had my daily step goal at 13,000.  Sounds great and I was hitting this pretty much every day.  But because I was so fixated at hitting this goal I did not do anything else that did not have steps.  No elliptical, swimming or biking.  So I lowered my steps to 10,000 and all of a sudden I was able to hit that goal and still have time in my day to do other workouts.  I was now doing the elliptical at least twice a week, I was getting in combo workouts of biking and running twice a week and you cannot forget my Zumba class that I absolutely love twice a week! All because I made a change to something that seemed like it did not need changing.


Guess what with this change came a nice loss in my weight.. -7.2 pounds.  I made a change and my body liked it, and know I just have to keep this up.  So 56 pounds, that is what I have lost, since January 10th.  I have worked the Weight Watcher the program, I have stuck to my nutrition, and most importantly I have moved and moved some more.  But the most important thing I have done is change, change what I eat, change how I move, change how I treat myself and change my overall attitude.  I have 6 pounds to goal and I know I will get there it may take me a couple weeks or a couple months, but I have faith that the changes I made will get me to goal.  Ill never stop Running To My Life.


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