Don’t Cry Don’t Cry

That is the key to Physical Therapy….

Today was my first ever appointment to have physical therapy for what I will start referring to as its nick name “Runners Knee”.   The bright side of this is, I got it because I AM A RUNNER!! It still surprises me when I realize that.


As I approach this new part of the next 2 months I realize that bonus #1 I have good insurance, as it is only costing me my copay to be able to go to PT, not bad.  Bonus #2 I really like the Physical Therapist that was assigned to me.  Nice and explains exactly what he is going to do and is doing in terms that are not over my head.   Hey lets get this PT Party going!

So we met today and he went over what the goals were, which to me was get me running again!  To him its find out how I got hurt and make sure that what we are doing will help me avoid this in the future.  I say those are two great goals.

To start out he had me walk up and down the hallway, I kind of felt intimidated like I had to make sure I walked right.. I didn’t think that it would be difficult as I have been doing it for 54 years .  But he found some issues in my stride, what the hell, how the heck do I screw up walking.

We also found that my left leg is not has strong as my right and several muscles are seriously slacking making other do all the work.  Sounds like an HR problem to me, damn slackers!

Next he has me lay down and he shows me the exercises that I am going to be doing.  Now I am going to share something highly personal and I am sure you all won’t share with anyone.  As I am laying there and he is moving my legs and shifting my hips I had a sudden urge to … fart.  OMG I was dying inside I knew that if this was to happen I would leave and never return again.. That years down the road someone would ask me why I stopped running and I would have to lie, I could never tell anyone that I stopped PT because I farted during the session.  Now he kept moving my legs and having me do them on my own and lord oh lord I was clinching like you would not believe.

So happy note I survived my first PT session with my dignity in tack and damn straight I did not cry!

Now 2 weeks of doing my exercises and I will be back to see how I am doing, fingers crossed I am on the road to running again and seeing you all at the finish line!



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