Road to Ragnar Del Sol 2017

Once Upon a Time…

There was a shy girl who was inspired by a group of runners, that were actually in an amazing documentary about a Ragnar, oh you know that movie From Fat To Finish Line.  She was lucky enough to actually meet some of the runners, producers and directors of this movie who were kind and made this girl feel as though she belonged.  This girls spent the night in absolute awe listening to their stories, I mean can you say I was totally fan girling!!!


From Fat to Finish Line Cynthia Akey, Angela Lee, Jennifer Roe and Rik Akey

So in meeting these cool people, well to be specific Rik Akey Runner #6 and we got discussing my bucket list of what races I was looking forward.  I shared that after watching this movie I hoped someday to do a Ragnar too, you know when I grow up.  Okay so lets forward this evening about 30 mins later and Rik stepped away to talk to several members of a Ragnar Team called Running Down a dream Victoria and Valeria.  He came back asked me if I was interested in joining the Del Sol Ragnar team Running Down a Dream.  Okay so please understand that my head was saying NO NO NO, Teri you are not ready.  But my heart was listening to Rik who some how made me feel if not now, when.  And you guessed it, I said yes and then began my road to doing my first Ragnar.

So you may be wondering, what is a Ragnar?  Each Ragnar Relay is approximately 200 miles (320 kilometers) in distance, with races lasting two days and one night. There are two types of teams: regular and ultra. A regular team is composed of 12 runners while an ultra team consists of six runners.  Ive heard that this will be one of the best experiences of my life… And I cannot wait to be part of this amazing team!

So I am announcing here… Drum Roll Please… I am Runner #4 and I am in Van #1, love the fact that I am same runner number as Ada Wong she is also in the movie From Fat To Finish Line which I loved watching her in, but also I followed her when she was on The Biggest Loser, she really is one cool lady!

Right now we are 20 days until the Ragnar but 18 days until I fly out to Arizona.  I have got my lists going and have tried to look up and google all that I need to know about doing this crazy race.  One of my friends John aka Runner #12 has a great post on his blog on how to pack and I have probable read this post 10 times.  I am a firm believe that you cannot be over prepared.

This weekend will be more organizing and purchasing those items that I will still need.  I also need to work on getting those runs in to assure that my pace will be on point.  So much to think about and I am sure before I know it, the race will be here.



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