Road to Recovery Started Early!

Good News for Me-Bad News for the Boot

Being obese a large part of my life going to the doctor was always an ordeal.  What were they going to find, what medicine do I have to take now and the always popular fear are they going to find cancer.  I know that may be extreme but our family has a history and it is always a fear that is lurking in my head.

But I have learned to ask questions of the doctors and don’t just assume or let them take a short cut.  This was true with my recent foot issue.  Her response on test results was “no new is good new” which meant if it was not a stress fracture she would not call me.  Also means she would not go out of her way to let me know what the results were.  That is no bueno for me.  So I emailed her and said pretty much that exact thing, I want to know the results.  So last week on Wednesday she emailed me saying that their was no sign of a fracture or a stress fracture and that it was just a strain.  She still wanted me to go to physical therapy on Thursday but I just still needed to immobilize the foot and rest.

Next stop physical therapist who I was hoping would look at the x-rays and the doctors notes and have good news.  Surprisingly she had not seen the x-rays or notes but luckily I had my handy dandy copy of her email and shared it with her.  So after reviewing that and having me do a few tests with my foot she could not see any issue other than some limited flexibility in my foot.  She stated that I needed to stretch religiously before and after working out or running, but that I could get back to my normal activity.  It was like angels singing when she told me that.  Too be honest it was my birthday that day and it was the best present I got.  But and she said this quite a few times I needed to be aware of my foot and if the pain starts again I need to slow down.

You know its funny being a former fat girl I used to live for those times that I was actually given instructions to take it easy, not be active because then well it was not my fault, honestly Im not lazy the doctor said to.

Now its like a prison sentence being told no activity, no you cant run, you need to take it easy.  This is my fear, that if I stop running and doing what I am doing the weight will come back on.  And guess what it did!!!  I had my weekly weigh in a Weight Watchers and although I kind of thought I would gain maybe a pound, I could accept 2… but I gained 4 POUNDS!!!!!  I was shocked and basically so ashamed that I had done exactly what I did as a fat girl.  I took that take it easy and ran with it.  Now I did do some exercise while I could not run, My amazing sister had bought me a bike trainer and I did that several times.  Did I do it as often as I should have, NO.  I could have been swimming every day but did I , NO.  I am my own keeper, I could have not gained a pound but guess what, this is a battle that I will fight forever.  Although you cant see the fat girl, believe me she is just skin deep!

So now I am back and was able to get out on Friday and do a little Zumba, by the way one of my favorite things in the world other than running and with the most amazing instructor ever Pearl Bonilla.  She has been with me from the beginning.

Its ZUMBA Friday!!!!

On Sunday I got out and did a 7 mile bike and a 3 mile run.  I know I am supposed to be going slow but it just felt so good to be out and active.  I am going to work on a better workout and training schedule to make sure I do not suffer any further injuries..

Whats next?  Coming up this Sunday I will be doing the End of the Summer 4 Mile Run from La Jolla to Pacific Beach.  I will take it slow and see how the foot does.

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